Black Gold recently had the opportunity to work with the BC Oil & Gas Commission (BC OGC) to create a First Nations Emergency Services Society (FNESS) emergency response plan (ERP) and a custom quick reference guide (QRG) for the McLeod Lake Indian Band.
An ERP is a document that provides critical information which is necessary to aid in emergency response situations. The QRG – a handheld ERP that has everything you need to know in the event of an emergency –was provided to all McLeod Lake Indian Band residences.
First Nations Emergency Social Services is a community-driven emergency response program that assists First Nations in developing and sustaining safer and healthier communities. This program provides short-term services for families and individuals and offers valuable information for steps they should take next.
Through working with the BC OGC, FNESS has created a valuable relationship with transparent communication to create critical documents such as the QRG. This curated document includes important emergency contacts including an emergency family plan, all-season emergency hazards, evacuation tips and what to put in a 72-hour emergency kit.
Black Gold held an essential tabletop exercise in the community to review the QRG and ERP. This training ensures that all community members have first-hand training on how to use the QRG and ERP effectively and efficiently respond in the event of an emergency. We had one of our field consultants visit McLeod Lake and provide on-site training for the community members.
Black Gold hopes to collaborate with the BC OGC in the future to create FNESS ERPs, QRGs and other critical documents to the improve safety for First Nations communities.